How do I Cash a Check in Euros at a U.S.Bank?

Businesses that cater to global customers often receive payment in foreign currencies, such as the euro. It may not be convenient to receive a foreign check, but it is possible to clear it as you would a check for U.S. dollars. You can cash a check written in euros at any U.S. bank that handles foreign transactions. The difference lies in the lengthy processing time and associated fees.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

To cash a check in euros, all you need to do is visit any U.S. bank that handles foreign transactions. Keep in mind that the bank may charge you a fee for this service.

Know the Exchange Rate

Determine the current exchange rate for euros to U.S. dollars to get an idea of how much money to expect at the end of the transaction. You can obtain this information from your bank or from websites such as and

Apply Your Signature

Endorse the back of the check with your signature. The bank will return the check to you if you forget this step, which will increase the processing time. The bank will expect to see proof of your identification, such as your driver's license.

Visit Your Bank

Present the check at your bank for collection. Some banks require that you complete a form to authorize the transaction. Your bank may charge a collection fee of $35 or more, which it will deduct from the value of the check at the end of the transaction.

Keep an Eye on Your Balance

Wait for your bank to complete the transaction. The bank will send the check to the issuing bank for verification and collection. Because some foreign banks are slow in paying, it could take from four to eight weeks for the money to appear in your account. Keep checking your account balance every few days until you see the transaction has been completed.

Use an Affiliate Bank

Search for a U.S. branch or affiliate of the foreign issuing bank if your bank does not accept foreign checks. You may find a local branch if you live in a metropolitan city like New York. Because you would be dealing directly with the bank, you would not have to pay a collection fee and the transaction would take less time.


  • Banks offer different foreign exchange rates from the set rates that other sources quote. Expect your bank to convert the euros to U.S. dollars at a rate that is slightly lower than the standard.


  • Some small banks do not accept foreign checks.

    Your bank may have restrictions on the amount of money you can cash with a foreign check.

    After the conversion, the amount from the check must be enough to pay the collection cost and other fees that your bank may charge.

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