How to Request Mortgage Origination Documentation

Your mortgage lender must provide mortgage-related documentation to you if you request it.
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The law gives you the right to request mortgage origination documentation from your lender. Whatever the situation -- whether you need the documents to analyze fees or to submit a complaint about the lender -- contact the mortgage company with your request. With a letter that spells out your request in detail, consumer protections in force require the lender to furnish the documents in a timely fashion.

Step 1

Contact your lender by telephone to inquire about the process of requesting mortgage origination documents. Most lenders require requests in writing. Some lenders may charge a small fee that you must remit with the request.

Step 2

Place your account number at the top of the letter. Place all names associated with the mortgage immediately beneath the account number. Add the complete property address on the next line.

Step 3

Identify your letter as a “qualified written request” if you are requesting the mortgage origination documents due to an issue or problem associated with the lender. If the letter is not a qualified written request, simply begin the letter by stating that you are requesting mortgage origination documentation.

Step 4

Provide details about any problem you have with the lender if you are writing a qualified written request. Describe verbal exchanges you’ve had with representatives and steps taken to solve the problem.

Step 5

List the documents you want the lender to provide. The mortgage origination documentation probably includes the original loan application, disclosures, addenda, income, asset, employment and credit verification papers, and a release to allow the lender to pull a credit report. To ensure that you receive all pertinent paperwork, you may request copies of all the documents in your mortgage file.

Step 6

Sign the letter. Add your contact information -- telephone number and email address -- beneath your signature. Enclose a fee, if applicable.

Step 7

Send the letter by certified mail to the customer service department of your mortgage lender. Request the documents sent to you by certified mail.

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