If you discover a scheduled direct deposit doesn't appear in your bank account, don't panic. Instead, contact the responsible people at your bank and employer's payroll department. Banks normally have reliable direct deposit systems that make payments and banking convenient. Still, mistakes happen, even for the best companies, due to technical errors or slip-ups on your part, your employer's part or the part of your bank.
Change in Process
Money may not appear in your account after a scheduled direct deposit due to a glitch or change in the system. A company typically notifies you at work, or through an email, that payments will be deposited on a different date, or that a payment has been delayed, and apologizes for the inconvenience.
If that hasn’t happened, and your direct deposit payment did not show up at the right time, contact your employer immediately. It’s possible the department has an old email address or needs updated information on your account and the message of a change didn't get through to you.
Account Start Date
If you just set up your direct deposit account, it might take longer than you thought to begin. Usually, someone in the payroll department can tell you when your account kicks in. Sometimes it can take two pay periods or more before you start having your check deposited regularly.
In other cases, the payroll department won’t have an exact time when it starts. It all depends on the processing methods used by the company and your bank. If you just enrolled in direct deposit and your money isn't showing up, contact your payroll department to find out if it cut a physical check for you.
Check on Information
Remain in contact with the bank and your employer’s payroll department when payment issues arise. Make sure each party has your correct information, including your full name, bank account number, routing number, and Social Security number. If any of this information is incorrect, the direct deposit might not make it into your account. The more you stay involved with the bank and your employer, the faster the error can be resolved.
Review the Payment Date
Remember that banks operate on business days when it comes to deposits and withdrawals. These days typically do not apply to weekends or federal holidays. Check your calendar to make sure the date you expect the direct deposit is a regular banking day unaffected by a holiday. Also, check your company's payment schedule to ensure you are on the same page. If you paid every other Friday, for example, make sure you are not confusing the Fridays when you are supposed to be paid.
Plan Ahead
Even though the direct deposit process saves you time and has always been available on a certain date in the past, always keep enough money on hand just in case something goes wrong. Be prepared to transfer an adequate amount of money from a savings account or emergency fund in the event that your direct deposit doesn't show up.
Writer Bio
Jerry Shaw writes for Spice Marketing and LinkBlaze Marketing. His articles have appeared in Gannett and American Media Inc. publications. He is the author of "The Complete Guide to Trust and Estate Management" from Atlantic Publishing.