How to Add a Spouse to a Lease

Consult with your landlord to modify a lease.
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After a walk down the aisle, you have a variety of details to change to reflect this important step. If you rent an apartment, you will need to update your landlord on your new marital status. Follow your landlord’s instructions to add a spouse to a lease. You may encounter specific requirements from your landlord for how to handle the new addition. Follow these instructions precisely to ensure that you stay in good standing.

Step 1

Speak with your landlord about adding your spouse to the lease. Make sure that the apartment is the appropriate size for the number of occupants you will have. If adding another person to the apartment puts you over the appropriate occupancy number, you may need to move to a different apartment.

Step 2

Complete a lease application that includes both your name and your spouse’s name, if your landlord requires this step. The landlord will then proceed through the verification process to check your spouse’s credit and verify income.

Step 3

Examine the new lease that includes both you and your spouse as lessees on the lease. Check the terms carefully – the landlord may raise the security deposit and the rent to accommodate another person in the apartment.

Step 4

Sign and date the lease after accepting the terms. Keep a copy of the lease for your records.

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