How to Execute a Promissory Note

The use of promissory notes dates back to Renaissance Europe.
i Jupiterimages/ Images

A promissory note is a legal document in which one party promises to pay money owed to another. Typically, the party that executes the note is the party that is borrowing the money. He is also referred to as the "maker" of the note. The lending entity is known as the payee. Creating a promissory note requires notating the date, loan amount and terms of the repayment. Executing a note involves signing, dating and having your signature witnessed.

Step 1

Create the promissory note. Write the loan amount, the interest rate and the repayment date(s), as well as the name of the lender and the address to which to direct payment. If any additional terms apply, such as late-payment penalties, include them in the note.

Step 2

Create date and signature lines for yourself and a witness.

Step 3

Sign the form in front of a witness. Have the witness sign as well.

Step 4

Give the note to the lending party. Keep a copy of the document for your files.

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